Wednesday, August 27, 2008

CorningWare Vintage Teapot and Exploding Pyrex

I have two other posts in the works, but I've just been obsessively looking at vintage CorningWare teapots on EBay and had to share. I saw my friend, Sarah's, teapot (in the "Spice of Life" pattern), fell in love with it, and thus have been searching for one of my own. The one above is in the "Cornflower" pattern. Isn't it absolutely adorable? There are a whole bunch up for auction, but most of them have only one picture and no other views of the teapot. How do they expect people to know its condition?

I'm also thinking about purchasing some CorningWare casserole dishes. But when I read that they had Pyrex lids, I became hesitant. Someone at work told me today about a cousin of theirs who is visiting and was cooking some roast potatoes in a Pyrex dish that exploded in her hands when she took it out of the oven. This sent flying glass shards and hot oil all over her. She has deep cuts and first degree burns and now has a cast on her arm! The weird thing is, my coworker, who was telling the story, had the same thing happen to him about a month back. Then we found this recent article on Seems like this has been happening for the last three years! Yikes! And I just bought a Pyrex dish....and 3 Pyrex bowls...and a Pyrex measuring cup. I loved Pyrex. Boo. Should I return them? One shouldn't be afraid of their dishes.